I joined Queen's Park Community Tennis Club in 2017. Initially it was to help me lose a bit of weight and to get some much needed exercise. At the age of 56 and leading a very sedentary lifestyle I thought I should be doing something a little more active than walking between my desk and the kettle. It has been a game changer for me. In the first year I lost over a stone in weight. I feel fitter than I have ever been. And what's more I can actually hit the ball. 
Members of the club the club are invited to help in whatever way they can. I offered by services as photographer and a graphics guy. As yet they haven't taken me up on the offer of producing any print but they did ask me to take some photos for use on websites and social media. Whilst being a bit of a challenge it is also great fun.
Here are some of the results.
saturday kids club
The Club runs classes for kids every Saturday. Images taken for new banners and leaflets to encourage young people to come along. 
sunday social during the winter
The Club has a Sunday Social where members and non-members come along and play on a purely informal and social way to help improve their tennis and enjoy the sport. These images too are for promotional purposes. 
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